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Philia, 'Killers' Lyrics


Band: Philia
Year: 2013

Breath make a sound like a child
I can't hear you pleading

Say what you want you can
Run but you can never cloak
Lie in your blood is it Warm
I cannot console you cry all you

Want but now hush I will make this
Quick scream with your lungs give
It all this might be your last.
Stay in this rain the lonely

Will call out its name with a smile
You'll be grasping for breath
You won't feel a thing the doubt in
Your eyes will be faith it's
The fragrance of sorrow that lingers in
Your face

Breath make a sound like a child
I can't hear you pleading

Say what you want you can
Run but you can never cloak
Stay in this rain the lonely
Will call out its name
with a smile

You'll be grasping for breath
You won't feel a thing the doubt in
Your eyes will be faith it's
The fragrance of sorrow that lingers in Your face
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